S.U.N.-Cert logo

Application – The S.U.N.-Certificate-Issuance


The S.U.N. Standard is issued by NatureLife-International in cooperation with B&W Partners, Stuttgart, as certifying institution.

Validation and Certification

The S.U.N. Standard (S.U.N.-certificate®) incorporates strict quality and accreditation requirements for potential certifiers. Certification and Approval procedures are separated.

Long-term viability

The S.U.N. Standard guarantees a long range planning horizon
  • Market integration: S.U.N.-certified partners become members of marketing initiatives where suitable products are jointly offered to appropriate outlets.
  • For follow-up assessments, a monitoring and evaluation system is put in place.

Modification of Criteria

Due to the heterogeneity of the global environment and the respective land-use systems the set criteria might not always be adequate to achieve the goals of the S.U.N. Certification, that is to improve land-use systems towards ecological sustainability under the given conditions. Therefore the criteria can be modified and adapted. To that purpose the founders of the S.U.N. Certificate form a board that will discuss and decide about modifications. Additional experts will be consulted where necessary. Modifications have to be approved by the board with simple majority. The decision can be achieved during a meeting but also by written consent. The decision has to be documented and will be added to the appendix and included in a new version, respectively.

Obligatory documentation requirement

To guarantee credibility of the S.U.N. Certificate a meticulous documentation of all activities/measures on the farm area to be evaluated must be available and has to be confirmed by the certifier prior to certification.

Download S.U.N.-Cert application form
Stempel S.U.N.-Cert